The hearing in the Norwegian Parliament will be held on Oct 17, 2022 in Oslo,
Norway, a joint initiative of the following organizations and political parties
Norwegian Uyghur Commitee
Norwegian Uyghur Committe is advocacy organisation established in 2004 to be voice of
voiceless Uyghurs in East Turkistan.
UTJD is an ongoing project that focuses on the documentation of human rights abuses
committed/being committed by the Chinese regime and on the registration of the
disappeared, extrajudicially interned, or arbitrarily incarcerated Uyghurs and other
Turkic peoples in East Turkistan (aka. Xinjiang). We methodically document the
testimonial information in our database, mostly given by Uyghurs in the diaspora
communities across the globe.
The World Uyghur Congress (WUC) is an international organisation that represents the
collective interest of the Uyghur people both in East Turkistan and abroad.
The WUC was established on 16 April 2004 in Munich, Germany, after the East
Turkistan National Congress and the World Uyghur Youth Congress merged into one
united organisation. The main objective of WUC is to promote the right of the Uyghur
people to use peaceful, nonviolent, and democratic means to determine the political
future of East Turkistan.
The Green Party (Bokmål: Miljøpartiet De Grønne, Nynorsk: Miljøpartiet Dei Grøne,
Northern Sami: Birasbellodat Ruonát, lit. 'Environment Party The Greens') is a
centre-left green political party in Norway. (Wikipedia)
The Liberal Party (Norwegian: Venstre, lit. 'Left', V; Northern Sami: Gurutbellodat)
is a centrist political party in Norway. It was founded in 1884 and it is the oldest
political party in Norway. (Wikipedia)
The Christian Democratic Party (Bokmål: Kristelig Folkeparti, Nynorsk: Kristeleg
Folkeparti, Northern Sami: Risttalaš Álbmotbellodat, lit. 'Christian People's
Party', KrF) is a Christian-democratic political party in Norway founded in 1933.
The Socialist Left Party (Norwegian: Sosialistisk Venstreparti, Northern Sami:
Sosialisttalaš Gurutbellodat, SV) is a democratic socialist political party in
Norway.[1] Positioned on the left-wing of the political spectrum. (Wikipedia)
It’s not mass-killing on the spot type genocide, but nevertheless the endgame is the same.
Uyghur Genocide for People in a Hurry
Uyghurs are a Turkic-speaking people, predominantly Muslim, the majority of whom reside
in East Turkistan, or Xinjiang (‘new territory’ in Mandarin). After defeating the
Guomindang (‘Nationalist’) party-state, the Chinese Communist (CCP) party-state occupied
East Turkistan in 1949. The Chinese Communist regime, inspired by the early 20th century
Han Chinese nationalists and assisted by the Soviet Union, was able to annex much of the
former territory of the Qing empire, i.e., East Turkistan and Tibet, but it failed to
occupy the Mongolian People’s Republic and Taiwan.
Right from the beginning, the People’s Republic of China, founded in 1949, was
all set to rule over its newly annexed lands with its assimilationist policies by
declaring that even non-Han “minzu” (‘nationalities or ethnic groups’) were also
regarded as Chinese, foreshadowing its future genocidal policies toward the Uyghurs and
other Turkic peoples in East Turkistan.
Since 1949, East Turkistan has been ruled with an iron fist, except for the
1980s, when relatively freer practice of religion and education in native languages
other than Mandarin were permitted as the CCP leadership realized (without fully
acknowledging) its utter failure of its policies and damage done by the Cultural
Revolution toward the Turkic populations. Furthermore, the Chinese regime’s top-down
development projects in the 1990s–2000s accelerated Han colonialism and exacerbated
inequality between Han Chinese and non-Han peoples in East Turkistan.
Fast-forward to the mid-2010s, the CCP leadership has decided, once again, to
intensify its assimilationist policies toward the Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples, with
the aim of ultimately achieving the goal of a homogeneous cultural and national identity
known as Zhonghua (‘Chinese’) and erasing all ethnic characteristics that do not fit the
Han Chinese ethnocentric mold, which is reflected in the regime’s new catchphrase:
“forge firmly the Zhonghua national collectivity consciousness” (铸牢中华民族共同体意识).
One of the state-approved measures to achieve this goal has been the mass
internment of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims (ranging from 1 to 3 million people), the
largest-scale detention of ethnic and religious minorities since World War II,
forcefully sending them to so-called “reeducation/vocational training” centers (i.e.
internment camps), where they are subjected to political indoctrination, repeated forced
self-confessions of “wrongdoings,” various stress positions, physical/sexual and verbal
abuses, near-starvation rations, food/sleep deprivation, appalling sanitary conditions,
forced medications, torture, forced labor, and even rape.
There’s overwhelming evidence that the Chinese regime has committed crimes
against humanity, including information gleaned from online governmental sources, leaked
official CCP directives/documents that are classified as confidential or as top secret
in the case of one document containing Xi Jinping’s three speeches, government tenders
and bid contracts for the construction of internment camps across East Turkistan,
satellite imagery showing the temporal construction of the camps, interviews with former
internees, voluminous news reports, and research papers.
The Communist Chinese state has also subjected Uyghur and other Turkic women to
forced IUDs (intrauterine devices for contraception), forced sterilization, and forced
abortion, with the suppression of Uyghur birth going back decades.
After examining all available evidence that consisted of (but not limited to)
confidential speeches by central CCP officials, expert witness statements, former
detainees’ testimonies, various research papers/reports, and the Chinese regime’s birth
suppression measures/policies toward Uyghurs, the Uyghur Tribunal issued its judgement
on December 9, 2021—the Chinese regime has indeed committed crimes against humanity and
genocide against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in East Turkistan, according to legal
On August 31, 2022 in a long-overdue/long-delayed report, the UN also finds that
the Chinese regime has committed “serious human rights violations” against the Uyghurs
that may constitute crimes against humanity.
It may not be mass-killing on the spot type genocide, but nevertheless the
endgame is the same.